We're very excited to announce that going forward we have a new blog design and that we'll be putting a lot more focus on buildi

31 May 2023, 21:58
We’re very excited to announce that going forward we have a new blog design and that we’ll be putting a lot more focus on building out this IDEX content hub. 🐐💜 This initiative has mainly been led by @knarb and will feature some articles about IDEX as well as more generalized topics surrounding DeFi and crypto. We’re kicking off the blog today with an article titled Are Hardware Wallets An Impenetrable Fortress? 🤔 It’s a bit more topical considering what’s happening with Ledger recently and self-sovereignty controversies in general. We think it’s very important to be in control of your own assets so we feel this is a great overarching topic to cover. A chunk of these articles will be more general and slightly more catered towards onboarding users who aren’t as familiar with the tech and a few others will be educational/trading focused. 🔎